Friday, November 11, 2011

Crippen's Crew: r.a.d.KIDS

Our fifth graders have participated in the r.a.d.KIDS program this week and have demonstrated great knowledge and skills in protecting themselves from harm.  I've been so impressed as I've watched our students respond appropriately to various scenarios presented by the instructors.  The program culminated in a demonstration presented Fri. morning in which the students practiced what to do in various confrontational dilemmas.  It is so important that kids know who they are and how special they are, and that they will be courageous enough to assertively stand their ground and defend themselves when necessary.  I'm proud of our Crew and hope they never have to use the skills learned this week, but know they've been well prepared thanks to this fantastic program.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November Book Report
Free Choice (encourage Fantasy)

The book jackets for October looked great! Please remember that book reports should be your best work because you’ve had a month to work on them. The November book report is free choice but you are highly encouraged to pick a fantasy book.  Pick a book that you have not read before. This month I am requiring you to get your book passed off by your parents and me no later than November 10th.  Get the bottom of this form signed and returned to me by then.   If you have not returned this slip by the 11th I will pick a book for you and you may not like it as much as one you picked.

November’s book report format will be as follows:
Imagine that you are the author of the book you have just read. Suddenly the book becomes a best seller. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get that person interested in making your book into a movie. Explain why the story, characters, conflicts, etc., would make a good film. Suggest a filming location, format (live action or animated) and the actors to play the various roles. YOU MAY ONLY USE BOOKS WHICH HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN MADE INTO MOVIES.
Don’t put this assignment off!  I recommend writing a rough draft letter before writing a final copy. Have fun with it. It will be due on November 30th 2011.  It will be worth 20 points.
Good luck!

                        -- Mr. Crippen

Monday, October 10, 2011

October Book Report!
Wow!  This cold weather means jackets are being pulled out of closets everywhere.  In fact, we're going to create jackets for our books this month.  The Book Report for October is to be done on any book the students' parents approve of (Free Choice!).  The report format for October will be as follows:
  • Fold a piece of plain, white paper (cardstock would work great!) in half (hamburger style: side-to-side) and create an original, colorful, attractive cover for the book you read.  It should have an illustration which would grab the reader.  Also include the Title and Author (as well as Illustrator, if there is one.)
  • On the back, write a 1-2 paragraph summary of what happens in the story without giving away the ending.  Also include a small illustration on the back.
  • Make up and include 2-3 pretend quotes from book reviewers such as:  "This book was incredible!  Couldn't put it down!" -Harry Reedsallot
Book Reports are due October 28.  Have fun!

Monday, September 26, 2011

In honor of Patriot's Day, our school held an Essay Contest with the them of "Patriotism in Action."  One of our class' students, Ethan W., won  for his essay entitled "I'm Proud to be and American!"  The essay follows:

Aren't we all proud to be an American?  Where at least we know we're free?  We have houses and beds to sleep on instead of straw and dirt.  Most of us don't even know how blessed we are and a lot of people just take it for granted.

We all can help our country by being more obedient, respecting others, being a better friend, being happy, having charity, confidence, hope, being clean and helpful.

We also have liberty, where we can have our own religion and we don't have to be one religion.

In war, men lay down their lives for this country.  This happened when our founding fathers fought in the Revolutionary War for Independence against England and won.

I, Ethan W., am writing these last paragraphs about patriotism and 9-11-01.  The first two planes were assigned to land in Los Angeles and San Francisco but instead, two trained terrorists took over the plane, killed the pilots and flew both planes into the Twin Towers.

The third plane was supposed to go to Los Angeles as well but terrorists took it over also.  By then the people inside it heard on their cell phones about the twin towers being destroyed.  They found out this plane was going to hit the president's house and kill the president.  But before it did, a group of men and women said, "We're not going to let this plane go down and kill more innocent people and we'll fight so it won't!"

They fought and killed the terrorists.  They tried to bring the plane down to land but instead brought it down in a field, killing them all.  Many innocent Americans were killed that day.  That is major patriotism.  That group of men and women gave their lives for our country.  While the Twin Towers were destroyed and many people were killed, many more were not because of them.

Ethan W.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


No worries! Homework will be on skills practiced in class and will generally be on a weekly basis. Each Friday I'll send home a packet complete with worksheets as well as optional extensions. Homework should offer opportunities for students' families to become involved in the child's education. Enjoy it!
Following is an example of a Homework Activities cover page.

Crippen’s Homework Activities –Sep.19- Sep.23

Please initial the activities your child has completed and sign the bottom of this page before returning this homework packet on or before Friday, Sep. 23. Remember that not all of the activities have to be done; just the number specified for each subject. Enjoy!


_____ Read each night for at least 30 minutes (TO or WITH someone is best!).


_____ Complete the attached Grammar wksht. (Attach and return).


Please complete two of the following activities using this week’s word list:

_____ Create a word sort of the attached spelling list according to spelling pattern. (Attach and return)

_____ Write each word 4 times in perfect penmanship. (Attach)

_____ Write each word correctly in a sentence. (Attach and return)

_____ Have a family member quiz you on each of your words at least twice this week. (Initial on the line if completed.)


Please complete two of the following activities:

_____ Complete the attached Math practice page. (Attach and return)

_____ Use flashcards and practice Multiplication facts tables (1-12) with a family member twice this week. Beat your first time!

_____ Choose five colors and conduct a survey of ten people to determine which of those five is their favorite color. Create a bar graph to represent the data. (Attach)

____________________ _______________________

Parent’s signature Student’s signature

A new year begins

Aloha! It's always exciting to begin a new school year. Having taught 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades for nearly a decade, as well as dabbling for a few years in an administrative role, I never tire of the excitement I see in kids as they return for another school year. It's a good thing, too! With procedures and rules and broken air conditioners and on and on, school can be a drag sometimes. It is my students that keep me going; that and my little family of seven children and a beautiful wife to support and love.

This blog will serve as a contact point for my students and their parents to catch up on the events and activities, as well as the curriculum, assignments and projects which will take place this year with Crippen's Crew.  Welcome aboard!

5th Grade Disclosure Document

Welcome to Fifth Grade!

Dear parents and students,

            Aloha! Our adventure together will soon begin!  Welcome to Mr. Crippen’s 5th grade class of Liberty Academy Patriots!  My name is Chris Crippen and I am privileged to be your child’s teacher this year.  I am very excited to be “in the trenches” of the Liberty Academy instructional staff working directly with our great students.  As you must already know, the administration, faculty, staff and volunteers here are wonderful and all work together to help your child gain the education each student deserves.

            On a personal note, I am beginning my thirteenth year as a professional educator, the last four of which have been here at Liberty Academy.  My wife, Sherelda, and I have seven children, five of whom attend this great school.  I enjoy music, athletics and the outdoors.  I am also an avid BYU fan and love dolphins and being on, in or near water.  A native Californian, I’ve lived in Elk Ridge for the last six years and love being here in the beautiful state of Utah.

Classroom Expectations

First of all, I expect to have a wonderful time exploring the varied curriculum of fifth grade.  We will study everything from precipitation to probability, as well as an in-depth study of the history of our great nation.  Your student may also be working with Miss Batschi, our new fifth grade teacher, during the year as we team together to optimize your child’s education.  In order to have a successful experience for all, we will need to set some guidelines to make sure everyone enjoys the journey.  Following are the choices I expect all students to make:
·         I choose to use words and actions that are helpful, not hurtful.
·         I choose to follow school and classroom procedures.
·         I choose to follow the directions of authorized adults.
·         I choose to be Safe, Responsible and Respectful.
In addition to the above expectations, I expect each student to do his/her best at all times so as not to disrupt the learning process for other students.  It is true that every action yields a consequence, whether positive or negative.  If the above expectations are met, the positive consequence is an enjoyable and productive year for everyone.   Other positive consequences are more tangible, in the form of prizes, awards and opportunities.  If, however, students choose not to meet the above expectations, the following negative consequences will apply (per day):
1.       1st Offense:                Warning
2.      2nd Offense:               Loss of part of a recess
3.      3rd Offense:               Note/phone call home
4.      4th Offense:               Parent/Teacher/Admin. Conference
Let me say that I’ve rarely had to utilize the 3rd or 4th Offense consequences as I’ve been blessed to work with wonderful students who understand the importance of following directions.  Usually my students familiarize themselves with the boundaries quickly and we have a great time learning together in a very positive environment.


Homework serves two purposes: first, it provides the student with a practice opportunity to review skills taught in school; second, it affords parents an opportunity to take time to sit down with their child and learn together.  Please know that this should be a positive experience. Homework will serve the purpose of practicing skills developed in class while allowing family members to observe and assist the student when needed.  Including the 30 minute reading time, you can expect an average of 45-60 minutes of homework each day.   You may check your student’s academic progress online using our Student Information System (SIS) by obtaining a login from the front office.

·    Your child will be expected to read at least 30 minutes outside of school each day.  This reading should be TO or WITH someone else, when possible.  I’ve found that, along with increasing fluency, this allows the child to discuss the reading passages with someone, thereby increasing comprehension and retention. Please enjoy this opportunity to relax and read with your growing student; childhood passes so quickly!  Help instill a love of learning through literature. 
·     Book reports will be due the last day of each month beginning in September.   The format of the book report may vary and will be explained before it’s due.
·    As your student matures as a writer, there will be some lengthy writing assignments due this year.  Most significant of these will be the mandatory state report due in May.  This will be a research report and presentation on one of the fifty states.
·    There will also be a science project due during the third term.  It is expected that each student will complete and turn in a project.
·    Each Friday I will be sending home a Homework packet for the following week which will consist of spelling activities and math practice, and occasionally items from other curriculum areas.  It is due the following Friday, but may be turned in early.  This self-paced homework packet allows more flexibility in your family schedule. 
·    Your student will have a list of spelling words each week with a test each Friday. 

When a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to obtain any work which was missed during the absence.  An additional day is allowed to do the work and return the assignment for each day the student was absent.  Unfinished class assignments may be taken home to be completed as homework and returned the next school day.  If work is not turned in, credit is not earned nor given.

A study entitled “American Memory” by the National Endowment for the Humanities found that “students who do more homework, attend school regularly and read more tend to do better in school.”  How can you help your child to succeed?
·      Be involved in your child’s learning
·      Help your child with homework by doing the following:
1.      Ask your child to read directions aloud.  Sometimes verbalizing the directions helps increase understanding.
2.   Do one problem as an example.  Watch your child do the next few and check for understanding.
3.   Establish a specific time and place for homework.  I have advised students to do homework soon after they get home from school, but you may have your own family policy.
4.   Check their work for neatness and errors.
5.   Encourage your child to read often.  The ability to read well will enable the child to perform better in all academic areas.


            Tradition holds that children usually celebrate their birthdays at school by bringing a voluntary (yet very welcome!) treat.  Parents are certainly welcome to do so and in keeping with local laws, I ask that only commercially prepared, wrapped items be brought to class.  We currently have 24 students in our class.  Unless otherwise authorized, the same policy applies to class/school parties.

Book Orders

            In order to support the love of literature, I will be sending home book order forms throughout the year.  Quite often you will find wonderful bargains and great gift ideas in these catalogs.  Additionally, our class earns bonus points from each book order which are used to earn free books and prizes for our class.  If you would like to order any item(s) in the catalog, please send the completed form along with 1) the appropriate sum of cash or 2) a check made out to the book club company (likely “Scholastic”).

Thank you in advance for all of your hard work and dedication to your student’s education.  Please remember that I am here to assist you in the education of your child.  I am anticipating an enjoyable and productive year ahead.  I do honestly look forward to seeing your child everyday and take pride, along with you, as I watch them learn and grow.  I strongly believe, however, that a parent is a child’s first and most effective teacher.  Let’s work together to help your child achieve his/her fullest potential.  If you have any questions, comments, concerns (or clean jokes), please feel free to contact me.  I will be available generally before and after school each day and will always be available via email ( which I check frequently.  Look for additional papers to be sent home with your student during the first week of school; some of them will need to be returned.  Thanks again for your trust in me and Liberty Academy.  I sincerely look forward to working together with you and your child to make this a productive and enjoyable year.


Christopher J. Crippen
5th Grade, Liberty Academy Charter School
B.S. Elementary Education, Brigham Young University (1999)
M.A. Education: Curriculum & Instruction, Azusa Pacific University (2001)